Khamis, 21 November 2013

tornado in the philippines

On November 8, 2013, an incident occurred in the philippines of the tornado that hit and caused many victims who died.

President Benigno Aquino has warned residents to make all the preparations to face the Typhoon Haiyan wind speeds can reach up to 380 kilometers per hour when the storm Philippines.

Aquino also warned of the expected storms also brought heavy flooding and destroying Herta things especially on the beach with the waves could reach as high as six meters or 20 feet
More than 125,000 residents in risky areas have been moved before Haiyan hit, according to civil defense officials said the school Filipina.Pihak authorities in areas hit by the hurricane would have been shut down, while the ferry and fishing boats were ordered to save or back up fast


a lot of damage and lives were lost during this disaster happened. Maybe we can not help the physical and financial terms but with prayer, in some way help them.


whats the meaning war? These issues are often in our thoughts. Wars is a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. (Source from oxford dictionary)

as we know, many countries have experienced war including malaysia. however, the impact of war in this century is the war in syria. this case because the war in that country and it does not recover more negative impact on the people there.

through the photos we can know the pain and agony that they bear. therefore, the parties concerned should act immediately and appropriately to prevent this war from further spreading. So "lets prevent the war.."

For more detail about war that happen at Syria you can also click this link:

Isnin, 18 November 2013

The Danger of Diabetes

The most popular disease in malaysia is diabetes. As informed, the percentage of deaths due to this disease is very high. 2007 Malaysian Diabetes Association estimates that nearly 1,200,000 people in Malaysia have diabetes. Unfortunately, more than 600,000 people are unaware of having the disease.
Definition of Diabetes
Diabetes is a condition in which your blood sugar stage is higher than normal. It is just one of the main factors for heart disease or wind gets ahmar.
The sign of the Diabetes
Common symptoms experienced are: thirst (excessive thirst), Fatigue, weight decreased, blurred vision, muscle weakness, and itching.
Circumvent got Diabetes
  • Regulate food intake: Taking a balanced diet because of excessive food intake will raise blood sugar levels
  • Physical Exersice can reduce blood sugar and help insulin work more effectively. Exercise can also help you lose weight.

Ahad, 17 November 2013

Budget 2014

as we know, on October 25, 2013 has sidelines in 2014 budget speech by the prime minister Dato, Seri Najib Razak. Which is :

  • RM22.1 billion allocated for the health sector. The government also
    allocate RM150 million to add 6,800 nurses and allocation of RM3.3 billion for the provision of medical supplies and medical equipment
  • Repeal sugar subsidy of 34 cents Effective Oct 26, 2013, to encourage Malaysians to stay healthy.
  • RM2.2 billion allocation for the Ministry of Women, Family and Community to implement various programs such as the establishment of Innovation Akaedmi Women, entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Qualifying monthly household income of civil servants increased from RM3, 000 to RM5, 000 for public kindergarten fee subsidy of RM180 a month.

For more information about Budget 2014 you can see this link:

Rabu, 13 November 2013

Happy holiday in Malaysia

A few years back I had the opportunity of visiting pangkor Island during the long holidays. I went there with a couple of friends.

We arrived by bus at Lumut on one fine Monday morning. Then we got onto one of the ferries that took us to pangkor Island. The journey by boat was very pleasurable. I was lucky enough to spot a giant tortoise swimming slowly beside our boat. A few flying-fish took off at the approach of our boat.

We checked into one of the cheaper chalets on the island. The area we were in was quiet deserted except for a few other holiday makers.

On the very first evening of our stay there, we met a Vietnam war veteran. We were singing at that time and Eddie, that was his name, was attracted by  the songs we sang. Soon he joined in and we had a wonderful singing session together . Later on he told us many stories about his experience in Vietnam.

We gathered that he had been a diving instructor in Vietnam. After the war he decided to just travel around the world and see things before going home to the U.S. A.

Eddie invited us to go snorkeling with him. He had a set of diving equipment and a spear-gun. None of us had done any snorkeling before and we were thrilled at the chance.

So the next morning we hired a boat that took us over to the beautiful Emerald Bay where Eddie attempted to teach us the fine art of snorkeling. Well, he attempted to but we were a trio of fumbling fools who had no idea of how to even put on the face-mask. Swimming with flippers was definitely impossible. I realized then how a duck must have felt.

Anyway after some hilarious moments of trying to learn the elementary aspect of snorkeling we abandoned our efforts. Eddie musthave been relieved for we had been hopeless student.

As we frolicked in the sea, we suddenly realized that Eddie was not among us. He had dissapered for two our. He was not to be seen anywhere. For a few minute he appeared from out of the water carrying a few speared fish in his hand.

That evening we had barbecued barracuda and grouper for dinner. I shall never forget the wonderful time we had. Sharing our dinner were a Japanese businessman and a school teacher and his wife.The both of us had great fun together.

Soon it was time to leave. We had spent five carefree days with some wonderful and unique people. Eddie was staying a bit longer at Pangkor. So we said our goodbye and stepped onto the boat that took us back to Lumut and the ordinary world of people. I carried with me my belongings  and precious memories of the wonderful people I had met on holiday. That my holiday experience

 For more information about best destination in Malaysia you can search at:



Khamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Bajet 2014..manfaat dan kesan terhadap pelajar Universiti..

Seperti yang sedia maklum, baru-baru ini kita dikhabarkan dengan berita dan pengumuman Bajet 2014 oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia iaitu Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak yang merupakan Menteri Kewangan di Malaysia.

Antara Bajet 2014 untuk para pelajar khususnya pelajar Universiti sama ada IPTA mahupun IPTS ialah :

  • Kerajaan meneruskan program Baucer Buku 1 Malaysia (BB1M) kepada semua pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi dan pra universiti sebanyak RM 250 seorang.
  • Kerajaan memperuntukkan RM325 juta kepada 1.3 juta pelajar seluruh negara untuk BB1M.
Untuk maklumat lanjut. Boleh melayari laman ini tentang Bajet 2014

Manfaat yang boleh kepada para pelajar ialah:
- Menggunakan untuk proses pembelajaran contoh membeli buku rujukan untuk sesuatu pelajaran.
- Sebagai bahan tambahan kepada pelajar.
- Tidak perlu menggunakan wang yang banyak untuk membeli buku pembelajaran.

Bagi pendapat saya, kebarangkalian kesan daripada Bajet 2014 untuk para pelajar ialah:
- Pelajar berkemungkinan akan menggunakan baucer buku tersebut untuk membeli perkara yang tidak berguna seperti membeli benda yang tidak berkaitan dengan pelajaran. Contohnya, pendrive, majalah hiburan dan komik. Ia bukan sahaja membazirkan wang kerajaan malah akan melalaikan kepada pelajar.

Secara kesimpulannya, bajet yang diperuntukkan untuk pelajar mestilah seiring dengan keperluan semasa seseorang pelajar bukan keinginan semata-mata. Kerajaan seharusnya memperuntukkan wang untuk kebaikan yang lebih baik kepada pelajar khasnya pelajar Universiti.

Isnin, 7 Oktober 2013

Keracunan Makanan..

Bagi pendapat sesetengah orang, keracunan makanan adalah perkara biasa kerana penyakit berkenaan senang disembuh. Tetapi baru-baru ini, kita dikejutkan dengan kematian tiga orang selepas memakan makanan di sesebuah kenduri di negeri Kedah. Berita selajutnya di akhbar Berita Harian.

Keracunan makanan boleh didefinisikan sebagai virus atau kuman yang mempengaruhi manusia melalui terkontaminasi makanan atau air. Antara kuman yang menyebabkan keracunan makanan ialah Campylobacter enteritis, kolera, E. coli enteritis, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella, Listeria.

Antara simpton-simpton yang sering terjadi akibat keracunan makanan ialah rasa sakit perut, mual, muntah, kelemahan, demam dan menggigil.

Penyakit ini boleh diatasi jika kita menjaga kebersihan seperti membasuh tangan sebelum makan. Selain itu, kita mestilah memakan makanan yang sudah dimasak bukannya makan makanan mentah. Jika kita mengalami penyakit ini, disarankan bersegera berjumpa dengan doktor.

Antara petua orang tua jika kita terkena penyakit ini ialah dengan meminum air kelapa muda kerana ia dapat melega perut dan menghilangkan racun dalam badan kita.

Gambar-gambar keracunan makanan :

pesakit yang mengalami keracunan makanan

sumber :

Khamis, 19 September 2013

Sambutan Hari Malaysia..

Tanggal 16 september 2013. Semua penduduk di Malaysia akan meraikan hari bahagia tersebut. Tidak kira berlainan agama, bangsa dan keturunan. Mereka akan turut serta dalam memeriahkan hari tersebut.

Di Malaysia, pelbagai aktiviti akan diadakan. Seperti contoh, perarakan kereta berhias, pertandingan sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan hari Malaysia seperti cogan kata. Tetapi lain pula sambutan hari Malaysia di Universiti  yang saya belajar sekarang ini iaitu di Universiti Utara Malaysia. Dimana pada setiap tahun Dewan Penginapan Pelajar atau nama singkatannya DPP akan menyambutnya dengan penuh meriah. Dimana setiap DPP akan menghantar wakil bagi setiap kategori seperti pembarisan dan "cheerleader". Kereta berhias turut menjadi salah satu kategori.

Ahad, 15 September 2013

As a Student..

yess!!..semua yang ade di Malaysia mungkin..pernah menjadi seorang pelajar..termasuk saya juga..saya pernah menjadi seorang pelajar dan sekarang masih menjadi seorang pelajar..

Apa yang best menjadi seoarang pelajar??..persoalan itu pernah suatu ketika dahulu bermain di kotak fikiranku ini..tapi selepas meningkat umur dari tahap kanak-kanak ke remaja dan sekarang seorang belia..baru saya tahu apa yang bestnya menjadi seorang pelajar..banyak jugak la kelebihannya..nak tahu??

Antara kebaikannya:-
 * banyak pengetahuan dan ilmu yang dapat diterapkan di dalam diri
 * selain itu, kita tak payah nak fikir pasal hal lain..hanya just study (seronok tau)
 * sangat-sangat enjoy.
 * dapat banyak kenalan.
 * boleh berfikiran lebih matang
 * tahu cara berfikir secara kritis dan kreatif.

itu saje..tapi sebernanya banyak lagi..fikir sendiri jer la..mesti semua dapat tahu kann..ape yang terbaik dan buruknya..